You are what you eat, right? Well, not exactly. You are also how much you eat, when you eat, and even how hungry you feel. Much of the gospel on dieting suggests that losing weight boils down to counting calories. But if that’s the extent of it, why is there so much obesity in the world? It’s not as cut-and-dry as that. The problem with most weight loss advice is that it places a lot of emphasis on quantity rather than quality. Most dieters spend all their time counting calories and little time considering what kind of calories they should be consuming. And that’s a mistake because eating foods that help boost metabolism or decrease your appetite can have a much stronger impact on weight loss than simply sticking to a certain number of calories per day. This article will explore some of the best strategies for effortless weight loss.
1. Don’t convert to vegetarianism
This is not an indictment against vegetarians whatsoever. However, studies have shown that high-protein diets are much more effective for weight loss than vegetarian diets. Vegetarian and even vegan diets are incredibly high in both fiber and water, which can actually make it harder for the body to metabolize fat. In contrast, a high-protein diet can improve your body’s ability to metabolize fat for fuel. The ideal protein intake for weight loss is about one-and-a-half grams per pound of body weight or about 100 grams for the average person. However, most people who attempt to go vegetarian end up consuming less protein than they need.

2. Take B vitamins, especially B6 and B12
B vitamins are excellent for weight loss because they play a key role in how the body uses energy. Certain B vitamins, such as B6, help your body break down carbohydrates and protein into energy. B12, on the other hand, helps make new cells, which is essential for weight loss because your body needs to break down old fat cells to create new ones. B vitamins also help regulate your hunger. The levels of B6 and B12 in your blood tend to drop as you get hungrier. On the flip side, taking B6 and B12 can help you regulate your appetite and feel full longer after a meal. B vitamins are found in many different foods, including:
- avocados,
- beans,
- broccoli,
- breakfast cereals,
- almonds,
- potatoes,
- spinach,
- and tomatoes.
You can also try this site to find other useful food supplements.
3. Don’t be afraid of the scale
Many people try to get away from the scale because they believe it doesn’t accurately reflect their progress. But the scale is actually a good indicator of your weight loss. In fact, you could have a higher percentage of body fat and weigh less than someone with a lower percentage of body fat. The percentage of body fat you have is a crucial factor in how much weight you should gain or lose. If you want to lose weight, then you should aim to lose body fat while maintaining or even increasing your muscle mass.

4. Get your fats from food
This might sound like a weird thing to do if you’re trying to lose weight, but hear us out. Eating more healthy fat can actually help you lose weight. This is because dietary fat is metabolized slowly, which helps keep you fuller for longer. There are different kinds of fat, though. Healthy fats include avocados, fish, nuts, and certain types of oils like olive and coconut oil. Fatty foods that are bad for your health include most processed and packaged foods and red meat.
All of these changes are things that you can incorporate into your diet without really noticing.