Have you closed your house door in a hurry while keys inside? Now you have been left outside without being able to open it. Or if an interior door closes and it seems that there is no way to open it? Now, what to do? You should know that it is possible to solve the problem with the help of some common objects of the home of the ones you surely use every day. However, keep in mind that all door lock techniques require caution, as applying them can damage the knob’s internal mechanisms.
Be aware that using a locksmith is a practical and very useful process most of the time. Locksmith Tampa can help you to get out of this situation. However, while waiting for your specialist to arrive, you can still try to open your door, even without a key. Don’t know how? With those effective methods, we will describe in this article. Browse, so you don’t miss a thing.
This method is arguably the easiest and most effective, although it works less well on modern doors. To say that opening a door with a bank card only works on a door that has simply been slammed. To do this, remember to bring a card that you no longer need, and preferably flexible for more efficiency.
Note that it’s not the best idea of thinking and puzzling over the best way to open your door without your keys. To save your time, nothing beats the intervention of a door-opening specialist.
For the first step, you’ll need to insert your card along the length of the door. The entry under discussion should be specifically above the point where the door lock and lock mechanism intersect. Once this is done, swipe your card in the appropriate place before sliding it behind the lock. By making sure, you pull out your card with a snap, and then there is an opening act on the handle, your door can be opened easily.
Use a metal clothes hanger or hook if you have a simple lock. These are the ones that only require you to push and release the mechanism that keeps the door closed. Simple locks are undoubtedly the easiest to open because you do not need a key to enter and leave the room.
This second technique can often give the impression of a heist game, but it is well worth it for a successful opening of a door. Start by putting together a small piece of equipment such as a paper clip or hairpin and a tensioner to help you out as quickly as possible. Ready?
You need to prepare your paperclip with a hammer to make it as flat as possible. Then be sure to insert the tensioner inside the lock and turn it like an opening key. Once the tensioner locks, all you have to do is insert the paper clip or the pin to play the two tools in the lock. By taking the time to perform these actions over and over, it will be easy for you to open your front door successfully.
At a glance, the percussion key looks a lot like an ordinary key, the one we usually use for opening the gate. This is not entirely true since the percussion key has an undeniable peculiarity. It has the ability to open pin locks, which are fairly common opening models. Contrary to what one might think, these types of keys are over the counter and therefore easy to find in the market.
To do this, you need to insert your key inside the lock until the last pin. The teeth of your keys will then have the task of lifting the pins, producing a characteristic noise. Very quickly, that is to say, with a sharp jerk, all you have to do is drive in your pin using a suitable tool before activating your percussion key. At this precise moment, you can turn your key in the hope of unlocking your locked door.
Can’t find your keys when you get home? Or did you just close your door without thinking about taking your keys? So many situations can cause you to be stuck in front of a difficult, if not impossible, door to open. Not everyone can open the door with the above tricks. Locksmith South Tampa can help you to open the door without any damage.