Our lifestyle is going towards urban and western ways of living as we are adopting their culture. Lifestyle changes such as consuming saturated fats, less fibre, less exercise, no children at all are the ones that lead to the risk of such cancers. If we check 100 patients with breast cancer, 90-95 people do not have a family history of cancer, hence these individuals get it due to lifestyle changes.
Cancer – Early Detection:
It is very important to check for cancer at an early stage. We can do the checking all by ourselves, like this – every month, during our period post 2-3 days, examine a breast and accordingly get in touch with our doctor. Usually, we can feel a few knots in the breast, which comes during our periods. During the periods, these knots increase, breast paint increases, which is a cyclical pattern due to hormonal changes, and it is very normal.
Post-Menopausal: Post 6 months – 1 year, women should take one day out of the month to examine their breast, identify the knots and discharge from the breast or different shapes of the nipples. But the presence of a knot does not mean it is cancer necessarily. In the case of 90% cases, these knots are not necessary, but very important to get them examined.
Test: The doctor will examine, depending on the age, where mammography or ultrasound of the breast is done. Both are very sensitive, 80-90% of cases can be examined. Screening of breast cancer is very important to detect cancer. The good part is that cancer can be detected at an early stage also treatment is less aggressive, and can be cured. Breast cancer at stage 1 cancer, is where 98% is the cure. For screening, the investigation is – Mammography. It is recommended post 50 years of age and should be done every 2 years. Post which Biopsy is required to prove if the knot is cancer or not, and accordingly further treatment is done.
Cervical Cancer:
Some of the Symptoms such as:
If there is bleeding between periods, post-sexual contact, or bleeding continuing, should be taken seriously. Married women should get their screening, which is a painless and simple process.
OPD process is carried out to collect the sample, and then Cervical Cancer is examined with the help of microscope, to see how much cancer or going to be cancer cells can be detected.
Cancer is the second leading most frequent malignancy among American women. Breast cancer affects both men and women, but more women than men. Support for cancer research and research has improved early detection and treatment. As a result, breast cancer incidence has improved, and the disease’s mortality has dropped. Early detection, regular mammograms, a novel personalized approach to medicine or surgery, and increased understanding of the disease are factors.
Breast cancer types
Breast cancer comes in several forms, some of which are rare. A single breast tumor may be a mix of invasive and in situ malignancy.
Ductal carcinoma
DCIS (intraductal carcinoma) is the most frequent non-invasive breast cancer. DCIS signifies the cancer cells go inside the ducts but haven’t migrated into the breast tissue through their walls. Every fifth new breast cancer case has DCIS.
Lobular carcinoma
Lobular carcinoma described in the “What are the risk factors for cancer?” invasive ductal carcinoma. This is the most prevalent type.
Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC)
Originates in a milk duct breaks through the wall and develop into the breast fatty tissue. It can now spread (metastasize) to other body sections via the lymphatic and circulatory systems.
Infrequent forms of breast cancer
Breast cancer with inflammation:
This rare metastatic breast accounts for 1%-3% of all cancer cases also No single lump or tumor is typical. Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) causes the skin to be red and heated. It can also make the breast skin look thick and pitted, like an orange peel. Doctors now understand that cancer cells obstructing lymph veins in the skin produce these alterations—larger or firmer, sensitive, or itching breasts.
Breast cancer:
HER2-negative cancers (typically invasive ductal carcinomas) lack estrogenic and progesterone receptors and have low levels of the protein HER2.
Paget’s nipple disease:
It starts in the milk duct and spreads to the nipple skin due to the areola (dark circle around the nipple). It is rare, accounting for about 1% of all breast cancer cases. The nipple and areola skin is commonly crusty, scaly, and red, bleeding or oozing.
Thyroid tumor:
Unlike carcinomas which originate in the ducts or lobules beacuse rare breast tumor arises in the stroma (connective tissue). Phyllodes tumor and osteosarcoma phyllodes are synonyms. These growths are generally benign but can be cancerous.
This cancer begins in the cells that coat blood or lymph arteries. It is rare in the breasts. It frequently arises as a result of prior radiation treatments. This is a rare consequence of breast radiotherapy that can occur 5-10 years later.
Types of Metastatic breast cancer
Breast cancer can be classified as invasive or non-invasive. Some of these may outlive infiltrating ductal carcinoma.
Reduce the chances of cancer development or delay the progression of the malignant process with the help of preventive oncology.