Nothing like planning an amazing trip to a far-off location. Your first concern should be travel-related vaccination.
Getting vaccinated before you travel will help you build defense against diseases to which your body might not be immune, so ready for your next journey. Remember also to pack the basics, including travel insurance and advised prescription medications.
Forgetting to get our jabs before we head off in the frenzy of planning an amazing trip is quite easy. But first on your list of priorities should be vaccinations since they will keep you safe and shielded from possibly harmful diseases prevalent in other parts of the world.
Epicare Health offers free travel advice, antimalarial drugs, and consultations together with a complete Travel vaccines program. Our professionals will carefully go over your schedule and assist you to choose the best tablets and vaccinations for your family and yourself.
There is a list of several vaccinations you might require while on travel here:
1. yellow fever vaccination.
Yellow fever is a lethal illness spread by an infected Aedes aegypti mosquito. Trinidad in the Caribbean, South America, Central America, and sections of Africa all have it. Mosquues are more likely to bite in the daytime. The disease cannot be passed by close contact with an infected person.
2. The Typhoid Vaccine
A bacterial infection, typhoid fever can affect several organs and travel the body. If treatment is delayed, it can lead to serious medical issues and perhaps death.
The main way this dangerous infection is passed is by eating or drinking food or water contaminated with urine or feces of an infected person.
3. Vaccine for Tick-Based Encephalitis
Tick bites are the main source of the illness sometimes known as tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). It can bring flu-like symptoms or more severe conditions including meningitis or inflammation of the brain.
Sometimes an infection results from drinking unpasteurized milk derived from sick animals, particularly goats.
4. Vaccine against Shingles
Reactivation of the chickenpox virus (varicella-zoster) in adulthood causes the uncomfortable skin rash known as Shingles (herpes zoster). Estimates place 90% of UK residents infected with the shingles virus. One in four people run the danger of the dormant varicella-zoster virus reactivating and causing shingles.
5. Vaccine for Rabies
The major viral infection known as rabies compromises the brain and nervous system. Usually, the saliva of the sick animal spreads the virus following an animal bite or scratch.
Dogs are the most usually occurring human infection source. Other animals capable of spreading rabies are monkeys and cats. The bats of every country run a danger of rabies.
6. Vaccine for Hepatitis B
Transmitted through bodily fluids like blood, the liver-damaging virus known as Hepatitis B, or Hep B, is found commonly.
Usually in adults, it disappears on its own in a few months and causes no symptoms.
But in children, it usually lasts years and can finally cause major liver damage.
Though Hepatitis B is less common in the UK than in other countries, some groups are more vulnerable than others.
Included in this are those from high-risk countries, drug injectors, and those having several sexual partners without protection.
7. Cholera Vaccination
Mostly spread through food and water, cholera is an infection that can cause extreme watery diarrhea.
Usually acquired from contaminated water and, less often from contaminated food, especially shellfish, the bacterium Vibrio cholerae causes cholera.
8. Vaccine for Japanese encephalitis
Mosquite bites carry the brain virus causing Japanese encephalitis. Though rare among travellers, it is most common in rural Southeast Asia, the Pacific islands, and the Far East.
There is the virus in pigs and birds. Mosquitoes bite sick animals, thus the virus ends up in them. One cannot pass it from one person to another.
Right now, Japanese encephalitis cannot be treated with any medication. Treatment aims to assist the body in naturally resisting the disease.
Prioritizing getting vaccinated for travel will help you safeguard your health and ensure a worry-free travel. Reputable Pharmacy in Swindon Epicare boasts a team of highly qualified and experienced medical experts dedicated to provide you the best possible treatment. Epicare heath have a range of Travel vaccines in stock, including Yellow Fever, Rabies, Japanese Encephalitis and Dengue Fever.